First, I'll start with some questions for you to ponder:
Can anything at all exist without God?
Are you suggesting with your question that something (sin, evil) exists independent of God?
How can you suggest that, if you are a monotheist, which you appear to be?
If you are a monotheist, does not everything owe its authorship or source to the One?
If you have a child that becomes a totally incorrigible, lifetime criminal committing the most heinous of crimes, is he/she no longer your child?
Isn't Samael/Satan/Lucifer a fallen angel?
If so, when he was a good angel, was he not a creation of God's?
If so, did he cease to be a creation of God's after he fell?
I have differentiated between God and Kundalini the best I could in my last lengthy response. Kundalini, by my definition, is the designation for the power/activity of God as Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of all in the realm of the relative, of the manifest, of actuality. In that realm, God as Kundalini is a verb as much as a noun. There is a wonderful book by a modern Jewish mystic rabbi, David Cooper, called "God is a Verb". Kundalini does not exist in the realm beyond creation. There, the ineffable God alone exists.
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